Incoming Mail-Staff
Incoming Mail Address Format
3009 Broadway
New York, NY 10027-6598
Letter Mail
Incoming letter mail arrives at the College by 9:30 A.M., Monday–Friday. Mail Services personnel sort the letter mail and deliver to faculty and administrative department offices throughout the campus. Delivery routes depart from Mail Services at 10:30 A.M.
Packages and express items arrive throughout the day and are delivered to departmental offices by Mail Services and Receiving staff. When you receive a package or item requiring a signature, you are sent a WITS Automated Email [WITS Automated Email.doc]—an automatic alert from our Package Tracking software (WITS) that a package has arrived for you at Barnard.
Large Deliveries or Deliveries to Alternate Locations
Please call 212-854-7043 or email to make arrangements in advance.
Perishable Items
Perishable items include live animals or specimens, items packed in dry ice, prescriptions or other items requiring refrigeration, etc. Such items are not always easily identifiable and/or may escape the attention of the Receiving staff.
If you order any perishable item that will arrive at Barnard through Central Receiving, please email the following information to in advance of the anticipated arrival date:
- Item Description
- Sender's name/company
- Recipient's name
- Recipient's department
- P.O. number (where such exists)
- Special handling instructions
- Anticipated date of delivery to Barnard
Absent advance notification of anticipated delivery of perishable items, Mail Services and Receiving will not be held responsible for spoilage of the item after its arrival at Central Receiving.
Package Notification
Barnard's package tracking software ("WITS") provides email notification of package arrivals. You should never reply to these emails, which are automatically generated. In your email index, the following headers should appear:
Subject: WITS Automated Email